
Everyday now as we look at the news both local and world, we see progressing evil and chaos of every description taking place. All this was foretold by Jesus more than two thousand years ago that these events will precede His return.

Always remember, the day Jesus returns, all evil will end, forever. Jesus said to endure until His return and you will be saved. Live with this thought in mind folks.

Bible Hardcover

It’s highly recommended that everybody owns a hardcover King James Version bible. Preferably, more than one. Already, with the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, everything on the Internet is becoming even more questionable.


Watching the world today is getting increasingly difficult but we must be aware of those things Jesus told us about as signs to His return.

The Cause of Evil

Why is there so much evil in the world? To answer this question, we have to go to heaven the dwelling place of God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the angels.

First understand this, God’s government operates on free choice, it can’t be any other way for love to exist. A long time ago, Lucifer, the highest of God’s angels, began to harbor feelings of resentment and jealously towards God. Lucifer wanted to be equal with Jesus and have the same privileges. But his desires were wrong from the start, angels are all created and therefore cannot be a God.

Nevertheless, Lucifer began to spread his discontent with the rest of the angels and many of them agreed with Lucifer. This started a war in heaven and Lucifer and one third of his angels were ejected from heaven. Lucifer now known as Satan the “adversary” came to our world to make it his home.

With having his desire to take the place of Jesus failed, he is filled with rage, and has dedicated his life to get back at God and especially Jesus in any and all ways to spite Jesus. This is the reason, why there is so much evil in the world. Now understand, Lucifer was the highest angel in heaven, he was next to Jesus in power and still retains much of his power. Mortal humans are no match for his abilities and are so readily fooled. But, Jesus is in heaven and Satan has no way to get to Him, so! he picks the next best thing, His children, you and me.

Some facts about Lucifer now Satan.

He can instill thoughts into minds of people.
He can cause sickness and also heal.
He can create weather.
He has studied humans for centuries and knows very well how to fool them.
His main purpose in this world is to get back at Jesus his arch enemy.
He is a master of illusions like a dead person coming back to life.
His one and only purpose is the death of as many of God’s children as possible.

And, much more. Now, you know something about your enemy. If you understand this, you’ll now know why there’s so much evil in our world, but remember this, God is restraining the extent to how much Satan can do in this world.